“The most important action you can take to protect yourself and your assistantship is to report issues you’re experiencing to the union. ”
Having issues with your assistantship?
Being a grad assistant isn’t always easy. Sometimes it’s downright wrong. When you find yourself in a position where you believe your rights, known as a “grievance”, may have been violated, GAU is here for you. Read our FAQ below to learn about the grievance process, then contact us using the form at the bottom of the page to discuss your concerns with our Grievance Chair.
Q: What is a grievance?
A: A grievance, simply put, is any unjust act, practice or condition that the university has the power to correct.
Q: When should I report a grievance?
A: RIGHT AWAY! Suspected grievances must be reported to the union within FIFTEEN WORKING DAYS from when you became aware of the incident, condition, or situation on which the grievance is based to file a grievance. The sooner you let us know, the more timer we have to gather evidence and submit the strongest grievance possible.
Q: What will happen if I report a suspected grievance to our union? Am I risking my assistantship by reporting this?
A: By letting the union know, you are ensuring that your rights and the rights of those who come after you are vigorously protected.
Q: What does the grievance process involve?
A. The grievance procedure begins with a conversation with GAU's Grievance Chair and/or our Executive Director to discuss your situation. We will then convene our grievance committee to determine how best to proceed.
If it is determined that your situation could be resolved through the formal or informal grievance process, a series of steps, as outlined in our contract, will be undertaken to resolve the conflict. The aim of the grievance process is to resolve the issue at the lowest possible step.
If you would like to discuss an incident, condition, or issue that you believe may violate your rights as an employee, Don't wait. Fill out the form below, and we will get back to you within 48 hours.