Become a Member of GAU!
Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean.
Stand up and be Counted!
Our union is only as strong as its members. Becoming a signed member of GAU demonstrates that you want to join with fellow Graduate Assistants at URI for a stronger voice for economic security, good benefits, and improved working conditions. As a member, you will have the right to attend union meetings, serve on union committees, run for a position on the executive board, vote for union officers, and apply to the grant fund for conference funding assistance. All members of GAU pay the same amount, 1.4%, to support our union.
Becoming a member of Graduate Assistants United is easy, and takes less than 5 minutes. Simply click the button below to fill out, sign, and submit your membership card online.
You can also download your membership card, fill it out, and return it to GAU via email at